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#StigmaEndsAtCU Substance Abuse and Addiction Campaign | Custom Buttons to End Stigma at Carleton University

How we talk about addiction and substance abuse matters.

And students at Carleton University have started a campaign to get students and faculty to get people talking about how to better talk about and support people who use drugs and who have a substance abuse disorder. 

custom campaign buttons ottawa

#StigmaEndsAtCU is a group that is working with the Carleton Cognitive Science Association to start meaningful conversations about substance abuse and addiction in order to reduce and end stigma. 

We got to learn about this valuable initiative when they asked us to make custom buttons featuring their logo. These are standard campaign buttons - 2-1/4" Custom Round Buttons - that have long been used to carry important messages and get the word out about important causes like this one. 

ending addiction stigma ottawa

 he folks at #StigmaEndsAtCU are working hard to create a safe space for discussions around substance abuse and addiction to happen. 

They are busy on campus, organizing events and creating awareness, but also online with some great storytelling and also some helpful resources so that anyone can rethink the way they talk about addiction and substance abuse and those affected by it. 

Follow #StigmaEndsAtCU to Learn More & Get Involved

Instagram: @stigmaendsatcu 

Facebook: @StigmaEndsAtCU


addiction awareness ottawa

If you have a campaign or important message you want to share and are thinking about getting buttons made, please get in touch and we can help you out

Buttons have a long history of being used to spread the word and raise awareness for various campaigns. They are also effective tools for fundraising. 

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