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What Issues Matter To You? | Custom Campaign Buttons

There is a lot of change happening right now as the city adjusts to changes in budgets and funding from the provincial government. 

Any time there is a change in leadership, we usually see priorities change. So right now across Ontario there are many groups dealing with funding changes and cutbacks as the result of the Doug Ford government.

And coming up on the horizon is the federal election where Justin Trudeau's Liberal government's last 4 years will be judged at the polls and challenged by the Progressive Conservatives under Andrew Scheer, the Green Party under Elizabeth May and the National Democratic Party under Jagmeet Singh.


elections buttons ottawa

Campaign buttons from all political parties are a common sight here at Custom Buttons Ottawa and on the campaign trail. But buttons are also a vehicle for voters in Ottawa and the Ottawa area to express themselves and take a visible stand on the issues that matter to them. We are seeing more Ottawa residents taking on current political realities with buttons. The issues are wide-ranging and can be environment (especially climate change), education, public sector funding, immigration and specific bills. 

What Issues Are Important to You This Election?

What issues are important to you? Are you part of a group of citizens taking action to be heard on these issues either through protests outside political offices or at rallies and meet-ups? Are you running a campaign online to speak up and rally support? 

Buttons can be inexpensive, but effective tools to aid political activism. Because we know that regular citizens often don't have a pool of donor dollars to support their work and advocacy. 

doug ford cuts

Here at Custom Buttons Ottawa we can help you create simple button designs that stand out in a crowd. And our online button designer lets you do so much right online when you place your order. You really don't need a designer (though we do have design services if you need them)!

And if you are really taken by making buttons, you can even buy your own button maker from us and start pressing buttons for every issue that matters to you. 

Contact Us Today or Come Visit Us in Our Little Italy Showroom to get started. It is easy than you might think!

Related Reading

Let Your Campaign Buttons Stand Out with a Special Finish

Feminist Buttons for Crushing Patriarchy and #BalanceForBetter

Pinback Buttons Are the Original Twitter | Make Your Own Election Pins